Pravila/Politika o kolačićima
1. Opće odredbe
Predmetna politika o kolačićima (u daljnjem tekstu: „Pravila (ili Politika) o kolačićima“) sadrži informacije o tome, kako cV Group, UAB, identifikacijski broj pravne osobe: 303134915, adresa: ul. Aukštaičių 7, Vilnius, Republika Litva (u daljnjem tekstu: „Carvertical“ ili „Mi“) obrađuje osobne podatke pomoću kolačića (engl. cookies), kada Vi koristite internetsku stranicu (u daljnjem tekstu: „“).
Više informacija o obradi Vaših osobnih podataka, uključujući informacije o Vašim pravima kao subjekta podataka, primateljima podataka i našim kontaktnim podatcima, možete pronaći u Carverticalovim Pravilima/Politici privatnosti.
2. Kolačići
Kolačić je mala alfanumerička datoteka koja se pohranjuje u Vašem pregledniku ili na tvrdom disku Vašeg računala, kada posjetite internetsku stranicu Radi postizanja različitih svrha, koristimo različite kolačiće. Kolačići nam također pomažu u razlikovanju Vas od ostalih korisnika, dakle, osiguravaju ugodnije iskustvo korištenja, a također pomažu nama u poboljšavanju stranice.
2.1. Obvezni kolačići
Ovi kolačići su potrebni za osiguranje ispravnog funkcioniranja Mogu to biti kolačići koji, na primjer, omogućuju Vama pristup zaštićenim područjima ili korištenje drugih usluga. Ovi kolačići su nužni za osiguranje našeg zakonitog interesa radi neometanog izvođenja rada (čl. 6. st. 1. t. (f) OUZP-a).
ID | Duration (days) | Opis |
_vwo_uuid_v2 | 366 | This cookie is set to make split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a website. |
dmn_chk_# | ∞ | |
PAPVisitorId | 365 | This cookie uniquely identifies visitors referred by our affiliates, enabling us to track affiliate sales and accurately attribute commissions. |
PAPVisitorId | ∞ | This cookie uniquely identifies visitors referred by our affiliates, enabling us to track affiliate sales and accurately attribute commissions. |
PAPVisitorId | 365 | This cookie uniquely identifies visitors referred by our affiliates, enabling us to track affiliate sales and accurately attribute commissions. |
_GRECAPTCHA | 180 | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. |
rc::a | ∞ | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website. |
rc::b | ∞ | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. |
rc::c | ∞ | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. |
rc::d-15# | ∞ | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. |
rc::f | ∞ | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. |
PAPVisitorId | 365 | This cookie uniquely identifies visitors referred by our affiliates, enabling us to track affiliate sales and accurately attribute commissions. |
CookieConsent | 365 | Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain |
t.gif | ∞ | Ensures that product pictures are presented correctly on website. |
v.gif | ∞ | This cookie is set to make split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a website. |
CookieConsent | 365 | Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain |
cv:guestId | ∞ | This cookie assigns a unique identifier to each guest visitor, enabling us to provide a consistent and personalized browsing experience without requiring user login. |
cv:landing-params | ∞ | This cookie captures and saves the query parameters from the URL a user lands on. |
PAPVisitorId | 365 | This cookie uniquely identifies visitors referred by our affiliates, enabling us to track affiliate sales and accurately attribute commissions. |
2.2. Statistički i/ili analitički kolačići
Ovi kolačići omogućuju identificiranje i brojanje posjetitelja/korisnika internetske stranice, a također promatranje, kako posjetitelji koriste To pomaže u poboljšavanju funkcioniranja, na primjer, pomaže osigurati lakše pronalaženje traženih informacija. Obrada podataka koje prikupljaju ovi kolačići temelji se na Vašoj suglasnosti (čl. 6. st. 1. t. (a) OUZP-a).
ID | Duration (days) | Opis |
_vis_opt_exp_#_combi | 100 | Used by Visual Website Optimizer to ensure that the same user interface variant is displayed for each visit, if the user is participating in a design experiment. |
_vis_opt_exp_#_split | 100 | Used by Visual Website Optimizer to determine if the visitor is participating in a design experiment. |
_vis_opt_s | 100 | Used by Visual Website Optimizer to determine if the visitor is participating in a design experiment. |
_vis_opt_test_cookie | ∞ | Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies. |
_vwo_ds | 90 | Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for optimising the website content. |
_vwo_referrer | 1 | Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization. |
_vwo_sn | 1 | Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. |
_vwo_uuid | 365 | Used by Visual Website Optimizer to ensure that the same user interface variant is displayed for each visit, if the user is participating in a design experiment. |
ph_#_posthog | 365 | This cookie is set by PostHog analytics software and is used to understand how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand user behavior, improve site performance, and provide a better user experience, without personally identifying individual visitors. |
ph_#_posthog | ∞ | This cookie is set by PostHog analytics software and is used to understand how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand user behavior, improve site performance, and provide a better user experience, without personally identifying individual visitors. |
ph_#_primary_window_exists | ∞ | This cookie is set by PostHog analytics software and is used to understand how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand user behavior, improve site performance, and provide a better user experience, without personally identifying individual visitors. |
ph_#_window_id | ∞ | This cookie is set by PostHog analytics software and is used to understand how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand user behavior, improve site performance, and provide a better user experience, without personally identifying individual visitors. |
posthogBootstrap | ∞ | This cookie is set by PostHog analytics software and is used to understand how visitors interact with our website. This data helps us understand user behavior, improve site performance, and provide a better user experience, without personally identifying individual visitors. |
_vwo_vis_trackedCampaigns | ∞ | |
l.gif | ∞ | This cookie is used by the website’s operator in context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change content on the website. This allows the website to find the best variation/edition of the site. |
vwo_apm_sent | ∞ | |
vwoSn | ∞ | This cookie is set to make split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a website. |
yt-player-headers-readable | ∞ | Used to determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings. |
2.3. Funkcionalni i reklamni kolačići
Ovi kolačići omogućuju pružanje sadržaja prilagođenog Vašim potrebama, pamćenje relevantnih za Vas informacija i širenje promotivnog sadržaja. Obrada podataka koje prikupljaju ovi kolačići temelji se na Vašoj suglasnosti (čl. 6. st. 1. t. (a) OUZP-a).
ID | Duration (days) | Opis |
ID | Duration (days) | Opis |
IR_gbd | ∞ | Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads. |
IR_PI | 720 | Tracks the conversion rate between the user and the advertisement banners on the website - This serves to optimise the relevance of the advertisements on the website. |
NID | 183 | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. |
track.php | ∞ | Collects data on the user across websites - This data is used to make advertisement more relevant. |
#-# | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
__Secure-ROLLOUT_TOKEN | 180 | |
iU5q-!O9@$ | ∞ | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. |
LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStore | ∞ | This database is used by YouTube to store logs of user requests and interactions with the site in a secure and HTTP-only manner, aiding in the improvement of marketing strategies and overall site functionality. |
nextId | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
remote_sid | ∞ | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. |
requests | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLog | ∞ | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. |
TESTCOOKIESENABLED | 1 | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | 180 | Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. |
YSC | ∞ | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. |
yt.innertube::nextId | ∞ | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. |
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
YtIdbMeta#databases | ∞ | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. |
yt-remote-cast-available | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-cast-installed | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-connected-devices | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-device-id | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-fast-check-period | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-session-app | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
yt-remote-session-name | ∞ | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video |
3. Upravljanje kolačićima
Većina preglednika dozvoljava Vama odbijanje svih kolačića, a neki preglednici omogućavaju odbijanje samo kolačića trećih strana. Stoga, možete iskoristiti ove mogućnosti. Međutim, morate imati na umu da blokiranje svih kolačića može eventualno negativno utjecati na Vaše korištenje, te bez kolačića nećete moći koristiti sve usluge
Za više informacija izvolite posjetiti Na ovoj internetskoj stranici Vi ćete pronaći detaljne informacije pripremljene od strane neovisnih stručnjaka, koje se odnose na mogućnosti isključenja kolačića u svom pregledniku i kako možete ukloniti one kolačiće koji su već pohranjeni na Vašem računalu. Radi uklanjanja kolačića na svom mobilnom telefonu, izvolite potražiti relevantne informacije u korisničkom vodiču za Vaš telefon.
Neovisno o gore navedenom, ako ne pristajete na korištenje kolačića i/ili želite povući svoju suglasnost, izvolite obavijestiti nas putem slanja poruke na sljedeću adresu el. pošte:
4. Ažuriranje Pravila/Politike o kolačićima
Mi zadržavamo si pravo na ažuriranje ili izmjene ovih Pravila/Politike o kolačićima u bilo kojem trenutku. Ažurirana ili izmijenjena Politika o kolačićima stupit će na snagu nakon njezine objave na internetskoj stranici