
Motorcycle VIN Decoder Australia

Free Motorcycle VIN Decoder to check motorcycle, bike, scooter, or ATV history and specifications by VIN number.

What is a motorcycle VIN number decoder Australia?

Motorcycle VIN number decoder Australia is a tool that allows you to learn general information about a specific motorcycle, including its model, year of manufacture, assembly plant, and more. This information is derived from a unique 17-character VIN number, where each digit has a meaning assigned to it by the manufacturer.

While you can technically decode a VIN number manually by checking what each character represents, this process can take time. However, entering the motorcycle’s VIN number into the VIN decoder can help you access this information instantly.

How to use the motorcycle VIN decoder in Australia to do a motorcycle VIN number check?

Our motorcycle VIN decoder Australia is very easy to use. Once you are on carVertical’s VIN decoder page, follow two simple steps:

  1. 1.Type the motorcycle’s VIN number into the “Enter VIN number” field

  2. 2.Click “Decode VIN”

A VIN decoder Australia will quickly check whether the VIN number is genuine and matches the details of your motorcycle. If the VIN number is correct, the decoder will show available information.

To learn more, you can get a vehicle history report. It can provide details beyond the motorcycle's technical specifications, such as mileage, damages, legal status, ownership changes, and more, which is crucial if you’re buying a used vehicle.

What is a motorcycle VIN number?

A motorcycle VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique 17-character code assigned to every motorcycle during manufacturing. Manufacturers use it for identification purposes, but a VIN number is also necessary to register a vehicle, pass an MOT, or check its history.

Vehicle manufacturers started using VIN numbers in the 1950s, but the new system still had flaws because formats differed among manufacturers. In 1981 the format was standardized, requiring all motor vehicles and trailers to have a unique 17-character VIN number.

You can find a VIN number on your superbike, cruiser, moped, ATV, dirt bike, and even (the occasional) electric scooter. Some racing motorcycles may not have a VIN number as they can’t be registered, but if it’s street legal – you should be able to find it. Bear in mind that the location of the VIN number depends on the bike’s type.

VIN numbers are placed on a sticker or engraved into metal and can’t be removed, replaced, or tampered with.

How to read a motorcycle VIN number

Motorcycle VIN numbers use the same format as car VIN numbers – a combination of 17 characters that can be separated into multiple sections for decoding.

Here’s how to read a motorcycle VIN number.

Motorcycle VIN number breakdown

World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)

The first 3 characters of a VIN number represent the WMI section that typically encodes the origin of a motorcycle:

  • The 1st character shows the country in which the motorcycle was built. Characters in this spot range from numbers to letters, and each country has a unique character representing it.
  • The 2nd character shows the brand’s name. For example, "Y" stands for "Yamaha," "S" for "Suzuki," "K" or "S" for "Kawasaki."
  • The 3rd is often the manufacturer’s division or motorcycle type (ATV, scooter, superbike, dirt bike, etc.).

The WMI section may have a different structure if the motorcycle isn’t mass-produced.

Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS)

The next 5 characters, or the VDS section, can reveal the model line, engine size, type, frame style, and similar details. The meaning and placement of characters in this section depend on the manufacturer.

Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS)

The Vehicle Identifier Section consists of the last 8 characters and always reveals the model year, assembly plant, and unique serial number of a motorcycle.

Security Check Digit

The 9th digit, also called a Security Check Digit, is necessary to ensure the VIN number is legitimate. This digit is calculated using the remaining VIN number characters. If the result doesn’t match the check digit, the VIN number is incorrect or fake. VIN decoders perform this operation during a VIN number check.

Motorcycle VIN number location

Motorcycle VIN number location

Manufacturers usually put VIN numbers on irreplaceable parts. VIN number locations on motorcycles differ by make, but there are a few common areas where you can usually find them:

  • Near the headstock (steering head)
  • On a frame rail
  • On the bottom of the engine (on rare occasions)

Remember to check the motorcycle’s registration and insurance papers, which also include the VIN number. Make sure the numbers in the documents and on the motorcycle match.

Decoding motorcycle VIN numbers: what can you learn with the motorcycle VIN number?

The primary purpose of a VIN number remains vehicle identification. However, used motorcycle owners or potential buyers can perform a quick motorcycle VIN lookup on carVertical to get a vehicle history report, which can reveal:

  • Mileage rollbacks
  • Theft records
  • Damages (sometimes with photos)
  • Registration and inspection dates
  • Owner changes
  • Motorcycle’s title info
  • Legal status
  • Safety information and recalls

Historical records help assess the vehicle’s condition and predict potential expenses and safety risks. Don’t skimp on a full history check when buying a used motorcycle.

What is the difference between a free motorcycle VIN check and a full history report?

Our VIN decoder Australia only provides basic vehicle identification data, which is available for free. A quick motorcycle VIN lookup can reveal the motorcycle’s make, model, year of manufacture, and equipment list.

A vehicle history report goes beyond these details. In addition to vehicle attributes, it allows you to check mileage records, damage history, photos, safety information, and other available data. This data is not available for free – we collaborate with auctions, insurance companies, manufacturers, and other institutions to access reliable databases worldwide, ensuring our customers get in-depth information.

Motorcycle VIN number check: why is it important?

Motorcycle VIN number check is equally important for buyers and sellers. Here’s why:

  • Verifies the vehicle’s identity. A VIN check ensures that the motorcycle's identity matches legal documents, confirming that it is not stolen or misrepresented.
  • Reveals accident history. Some sellers tend to keep damage information to themselves, but you can uncover it by getting a vehicle history report. This way, you’ll know whether a vehicle has been involved in any accidents and be able to evaluate the quality of repairs.
  • Detects odometer fraud. History reports show odometer readings, which help detect potential tampering or mileage discrepancies. This can help ensure that you pay a fair price based on the actual mileage.
  • Helps evaluate the motorcycle’s safety. A motorcycle VIN number check can quickly reveal whether the motorcycle has any recalls and help identify its weak spots based on its history.
  • Increases transparency and trust. Knowing all the facts before buying a used motorcycle can help you make a more informed decision. If you’re selling, you can use VIN number check and history reports to build trust, which can help you sell faster.

Dirt bike VIN check

Just like you can perform a motorcycle VIN lookup, you can also check a dirt bike VIN number. The process is no different from checking any other vehicle. However, there are specific considerations for off-road vehicles like dirt bikes since these vehicles can often be used in rugged conditions.

To perform a dirt bike VIN check, follow these steps:

  1. 1.Visit the carVertical VIN decoder page Australia

  2. 2.Type the dirt bike’s VIN number into the “Enter VIN number” field

  3. 3.Click “Decode VIN”

To uncover more details about the dirt bike you’re interested in, including accident history, mileage, and more, you can also get a vehicle history report.

Frequently asked questions

Check motorcycle VIN number by make:

Car history report

Avoid costly problems by checking a car's history. Just enter the VIN and get a full report.

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