Mazda VIN decoder
Free Mazda VIN Decoder to check car history and specifications.
What is Mazda VIN?
A Mazda VIN, or Vehicle Identification Number, is a unique code assigned to every Mazda vehicle during manufacturing. It consists of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) and serves as an identifier for that particular vehicle.
The VIN is divided into several sections that provide general information about the vehicle, including its manufacturer, country of origin, model year, engine type, transmission type, and more. It’s often used by law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and car dealerships to identify and track vehicles for various purposes, such as registration, recalls, warranty claims, or theft recovery.
In addition, the VIN number can help car buyers get valuable insights about the vehicle’s past and learn about its potential weak spots. Therefore, if you’re buying a used Mazda, you can enter its VIN into the Mazda VIN decoder and explore mileage records, accident history, and other potential issues that dishonest car sellers tend to keep to themselves.
Although Mazda (then Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.) began as a cork manufacturer in 1920, it started its automotive journey with a tricycle truck called “Mazda-go” eleven years later. These Japanese cars are now one of the most popular choices among buyers looking for a combination of technological advancements, performance, style, and efficiency.
Where to search for the VIN?
A vehicle’s VIN number is located in multiple places and can depend on the brand. However, there are specific common locations where the VIN is usually found in most vehicles.

Here’s where you can find the VIN in Mazda cars:
- Dashboard. Typically, you can find the Mazda VIN number engraved on a small metal plate or printed on a transparent sticker and placed on the dashboard. It should be visible through the windshield on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
- Door pillar. If you can’t find the VIN number on the dashboard, check the driver's side door pillar.
- Under the hood. In some older Mazda cars, you can find the VIN number on various components of the engine compartment – the firewall, the inner fender, or the radiator support.
- The front end of a frame. Some older vehicles also have VINs on the inner front wheel arch.
- Vehicle documentation. Checking the vehicle’s documentation might be the quickest way to find the Mazda VIN.
What is Mazda VIN decoder?
Since the VIN number encodes the most important information about a vehicle’s manufacture and past, car owners and buyers tend to use it for different reasons.
For example, as an owner, a VIN number lookup can help you verify that your vehicle hasn’t undergone any modifications, as it can reveal what equipment it came with and similar details. Moreover, if your Mazda needs repairs, you can use its VIN to learn more about its attributes and determine which parts fit your car best.
As for the buyers, one of the most important VIN use cases is acquiring a vehicle history report. You can access accident records, ownership history, title information, mileage, and more by entering the Mazda VIN number into a VIN decoder. This way, you can make a more informed decision when buying a used Mazda.
Finally, since every VIN is unique, it can help verify a car’s authenticity. You can check whether the VIN on the vehicle matches the VIN listed on registration documents and other official records, reducing the risk of falling for potential fraud or stolen vehicles.
How accurate is the information provided by the Mazda VIN decoder?
The information provided by the Mazda VIN decoder is gathered and processed from 900+ global data sources, including law enforcement databases, state registries, insurance companies, auto repair shops, and more. Therefore, it is a highly accurate tool that can help you learn more about your current vehicle or one you’re about to buy.
How to decode a VIN number - Mazda VIN breakdown
A standard 17-character long VIN number is divided into four sections – World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI), Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS), Security Check Digit, and Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS).
Each section provides specific information about the vehicle that can help you decode a VIN without using a decoder. However, to do that, you need to know what each character represents, so it’s more complicated and time-consuming.

World Manufacturer Identifier
The Word Manufacturer Identifier section is the first three characters of the VIN that reveal the country of origin (first character) and manufacturer (second character). The third character in this section, combined with the first two, indicates the vehicle’s type or manufacturing division.
There are multiple codes you can find on Mazdas depending on different markets. Some commonly used Mazda WMIs are:
WMI | Manufacturer |
AFB | Mazda BT-50 made by Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa |
JM0 | Mazda for Oceania export |
JMZ | Mazda for Europe export |
JM1-JM7 | Mazda |
MM8 | Mazda Thailand |
YCM | Mazda Motor Europe |
3MD, 3MZ | Mazda Mexico car |
Vehicle Descriptor Section
The fourth to eighth characters in the VIN are called the Vehicle Descriptor Section, which is used to describe the general attributes of the vehicle. Each manufacturer decides on the meaning and sequence of characters, yet typically, the VDS holds information about the engine size and type, braking system, car series, model, or body style.
As for Mazdas, it goes as follows:
- 4-5th characters are the car line and series, e.g., BL = Mazda3/Mazdaspeed3, DK = Mazda CX-3, DL = Mazda2/Mazda Demio (sedan).
- The 6th character – the restraint system. While 1 means “with driver, passenger, side and curtain air bag module,” 2 refers to “with driver, passenger, air bag module.”
- The 7th character refers to the body style. H, J, K, L, M, N = 5HB (5-door hatchback); S, T, U, V, W, X = 4SD (4-door sedan).
The 8th character refers to the engine. Here are some of the codes used in recent Mazda models:
Character | Engine |
1 | 3.0 V6 |
3 | 2.3 I4 turbo |
A | 3.7 V6 |
B | 2.0 I4 |
C | 3.5 V6 (Tribute) or 2.3 I4 (Mazda 6) |
C | 2.3 I4 |
D | 3.0 V6 |
F | 2.0 I4 |
Y | 3.5 V6 (CX-9) |
Z | 2.3 I4 |
Security Check Digit
The Security Check Digit appears in the 9th position in the VIN and is a single character used to verify the accuracy of the entire VIN number. It’s calculated using a mathematical formula based on the other characters of the VIN, each of which has a weight assigned to it.
As the Check Digit is designed to be computationally derived from the rest of the VIN’s characters, its main purpose is to detect any potential errors in the VIN. If there is a mistake in any of the characters or someone intentionally alters the VIN, the Check Digit will not match the recalculated value, indicating that the VIN might not be valid.
Vehicle Identifier Section
The Vehicle Identifier Section starts at the tenth character and covers the rest of the Mazda VIN.
In this section, the first character (10th overall) represents the model year code, which helps you learn when the vehicle was built. This is one of the consistent numbers in the code.
Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year | Code | Year |
A | 1980 | L | 1990 | Y | 2000 | A | 2010 | L | 2020 | Y | 2030 |
B | 1981 | M | 1991 | 1 | 2001 | B | 2011 | M | 2021 | 1 | 2031 |
C | 1982 | N | 1992 | 2 | 2002 | C | 2012 | N | 2022 | 2 | 2032 |
D | 1983 | P | 1993 | 3 | 2003 | D | 2013 | P | 2023 | 3 | 2033 |
E | 1984 | R | 1994 | 4 | 2004 | E | 2014 | R | 2024 | 4 | 2034 |
F | 1985 | S | 1995 | 5 | 2005 | F | 2015 | S | 2025 | 5 | 2035 |
G | 1986 | T | 1996 | 6 | 2006 | G | 2016 | T | 2026 | 6 | 2036 |
H | 1987 | V | 1997 | 7 | 2007 | H | 2017 | V | 2027 | 7 | 2037 |
J | 1988 | W | 1998 | 8 | 2008 | J | 2018 | W | 2028 | 8 | 2038 |
K | 1989 | X | 1999 | 9 | 2009 | K | 2019 | X | 2029 | 9 | 2039 |
The 11th character refers to the manufacturing plant where the vehicle was assembled. Each manufacturer uses its own set of plant codes. For example, in the Mazda VIN, 0 refers to Hiroshima, while 1 refers to Hofu.
Plant code | Plant |
0 | Hiroshima |
1 | Hofu |
5 | Michigan (MMM USA) |
M | Salamanca (MMVO) |
N | Alabama (MTMUS) |
The rest of the VIN (12-17 characters) is the serial or production number, which is unique to every vehicle.
Is a Mazda VIN decoder available for a free VIN check?
A Mazda VIN decoder is free, but a free version can only provide limited information, such as the engine and body type, model year, and other basic information.
If you want to better understand your car’s features and history, it’s recommended that you get a vehicle history report. However, this report isn’t free, as it contains information from governmental registries, manufacturers’ databases, vehicle inspection centers, and other sources that charge for data.
List of Mazda models
Some of the current Mazda vehicles:
- Mazda2
- Mazda2 Hybrid
- Mazda3
- Mazda6
- Mazda CX-3
- Mazda CX-30
- Mazda CX-4
- Mazda CX-5
- Mazda CX-50
- Mazda CX-60
- Mazda CX-8
- Mazda CX-9
- Mazda CX-90
- Mazda MX-30
- Mazda BT-50
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