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carVertical helps you uncover a vehicle’s history by collecting data from trusted sources worldwide, and compiling it into an easily-readable vehicle history report.
Our system gathers data from over 900 sources, including government registries, damage data databases, law enforcement agencies, and more. Here’s how it works:
A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique 17-character code assigned to every vehicle. It serves as the car’s fingerprint, containing essential information about its history.
When you enter a VIN on our website, our system uses it to search for records in various databases across 40+ countries. We typically check:
The data we receive from these sources is typically raw and requires several steps of processing. We fix errors and inconsistencies, translate the data (if necessary), and sort information into relevant categories.
Once we gather all available records, we group information types into our report sections.
For example, if we have 3 odometer readings and the dates when they were taken, they will appear in the Odometer section of the report. Meanwhile, the technical inspection information will be in the Legal status and Timeline sections, etc.
The data has been processed for the carVertical report, but further work is needed using statistical models and other technologies to refine and enhance it. These models help provide insights, such as comparing a car’s mileage with similar vehicles.
Within minutes, your report is ready!
You can review it online, download it as a PDF, and use it to make a well-informed decision before purchasing a used vehicle.
Still have questions? If you need more help understanding how carVertical works, feel free to reach out to our support team – we’ll be happy to assist you!
Get the answers you need – whenever you need them. Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you.
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